Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Our favorite photographers took the pictures for our Christmas card. On the original day, Connor who is normally all smiles for pictures screamed the whole time. There were no pictures with both of us together. My left the shoot just crying. The deadline for getting pictures done in time for Christmas cards was right around the corner.

I, Ellie, who doesn't really like the camera thought I would cooperate since Connor wasn't.

So the photographers re-schedule the shoot for another day and we try again. Connor has decided recently that all sticks should be a fishing pole. Of course this makes daddy very happy. The week of the second shoot, Connor has also decided that "bankies" should go EVERYWHERE. So we go to the second shoot and there is no getting that blanket away from Connor and the stick is his fishing pole. In the end mom decided that it was a great picture, just not what she had envisioned for the Christmas card.

Sunday, December 6, 2009


We traveled to Maryland for Thanksgiving to see Aunt Connie & Uncle Doug. It was very cold but we had lots of fun. Here are a couple of pictures of Aunt Connie's yoga room turned into a nursery for our stay.
While we were visiting we went to the National Zoo, took a walk on the Potomac River and had a picnic at the playground. For Thanksgiving dinner we got to eat with the adults and even eat off of the china and silver. Ellie really likes "bubbles" just like aunt Connie. Mom and dad aren't really good at the picture taking thing so there are no pictures of our thanksgiving dinner.

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Today was a busy day. We started with the twin's club Halloween Party which mom was in charge of. That meant that we had to get out of the house really early today. All of our friends were at the park and we had lots of fun but it was really hot. We had juice pouches for the first time and they were really good.

After our naps and dinner we went out trick or treating in our neighborhood. Well really dad pulled is in the neighborhood and we waved to everyone. Here we are at the house on the way out. And here we were goofing with our candy buckets. Mom and dad didn't let us get any candy. I think they even forgot to give us a cookie at the party.

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Friday, October 16, 2009

Ellie's First Kiss

We had our friends over today for a play group and the kids were sharing the love. Here is Ellie giving her friend R a kiss. They were so sweet.

18 Months Old Already!

We are officially a year and a half already and getting bigger by the day. We went on vacation to Sebastian Florida with Gamma and Pappaw. It is a small community over on the East Coast of Florida down near Vero Beach. Our timeshare was on the Sebastian River at the Inlet to the ocean. We went on our first boat ride. Here is a picture of Connor sleeping on the boat. We went out two times and both times Connor slept.

We spent every day at the pool. I love the water and by the end of the week could jump from the edge all by myself into my inflatable ring. It was so much fun. Connor would rather spend his time on the steps of the pool playing with toys or even more fun was greeting all of the guests at the pool.

Here are pictures of us in the pool.

At the end of the trip Gamma and Pappaw had to go to work showing their pieces of art at the Hyde Park Art Show. Here is a picture of Ellie looking at Gamma's pretty stuff.
We are having fun with words and our sign language. Butterflies and octopus are our big words and "more please" gets us lots of treats. Mommy only had to drive us for 2 naps. The rest of the time we slept good. It was lots of fun. We can't wait until the next trip.

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Saturday, August 22, 2009

We had pictures taken today and here is one and we think a link to the rest of them...

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Sunday, August 16, 2009

To Church we go

Here we are all dressed for church and Connor walking with daddy like a big boy.

Life has been busy. We opened our first bank accounts with Aunt Nancy on Friday. Being the good CPA that she is, she taught us to feed the pig. That means that we have to ask mom and dad for all of their coins so we can make money feeding the pig.

Saturday we went to the park to try out our new wagon. What fun it is. We are big kids and can almost get in and out on our own.

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Saturday, August 1, 2009

16 Months

Wow time sure is flying by. This has been a fun filled month even though Mommy has been very busy with her office. After 17 years with her office they are merging with another firm. She will have work with her old office for awhile but not too sure that there will be work at the new firm. We are keeping our fingers crossed.
Here we are saying hi to the puppy outside our door. We are big kids now and hold mommy's hand when we walk to the car.

Ellie is starting with words and surprises us every day with more words. I have been a bit more reserved, just tossing out a word or two every now and again. The other day Ellie said "hi daddy" on the phone to daddy and he was so happy. Mommy loves it when we sign "baby". She says it looks so cute. It looks like they are holding a baby. We still love to read our books and climb on the couch. We are down to one nap a day and I sleep the longest.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Trip to Daytona Beach to see the Cousins

Here we are with daddy at Daytona Beach. We still don't really like the sand on our feet but we love the pool. Well I do but Connor is not too sure. Connor had much more fun touring the pool area and seeing how many people would look at him.

We got to spend the weekend with our cousins from California and that was fun. Mom and her cousin Lisa didn't meet until they were 13 so they are trying to make sure that we get together more often.

Here I am with Alexa, who is 2.

Here is a picture of all of the cousins together. Daddy was making the funniest faces at us to make us laugh.
There are a few more pictures of the family here .
We had a great time and can't wait to go to California next.

New things this week, Ellie says Duck and Ball and Connor likes experimenting with toys = putting the ball in something and taking it out. He is also the little kitchen helper while Ellie is the climbing girl.
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Friday, June 26, 2009

Um Cereal Good

Mom finally decided to let us use our bowls and spoons with our cereal. This is so much fun. We didn't wear quite as much today as yesterday. Ellie still likes to have mom feed her but I really like my spoon.

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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our favorite things

Here we are in one of our new favorite toys. These baskets used to hold our diapers but we found a better use for them. We also like playing cards with our diapers. Mommy is going crazy picking diapers up all over and she found a new hiding place for them.

Here we are playing on one of our new outside toys. We can climb up and go down the slide. Mommy and daddy also bought us a house and a water table. We have lots of stuff to play with outside. Some of our twinkie friends came over last week and we hope to have them back again some time soon.

Lately we have been working on our baby sign language. Ellie is really catching on good but we both know how to sign "all done" and "duck". Mommy is trying to teach us please but it has been challenging. Ellie also knows "more" and "fan". She also says a few more words than me but I can eat with a spoon and she can't.

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Saturday, June 20, 2009

This and That

Mommy hasn't been doing very well keeping the blog updated. She has been working an extra day at work here and there and then grama came to visit and we don't nap as much anymore either. Here is a picture of us at our friend's house. Ellie has her hair in dad's favorite hair do. As you might have noticed in another picture, her hair is getting really long.

We spent mommy's birthday at the aquarium with our twinkie friends. Here is a picture of us at the waterpark at the aquarium.

Here is a cute picture of Connor.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Trip to Sanibel

Aunt Nancy and Uncle Glen invited us to spend Memorial Day Weekend with them at Sanibel. It was our first trip to the beach. We really had more fun at the pool. Here is Connor with his cool shades with daddy and Ellie with Aunt Nancy.

It was pretty neat, daddy could walk right out the sliding glass doors and fish on the bay and then walk right around the end of the island and fish in the gulf . Here he is fishing.

We did go out to the beach but Ellie didn't really like the sand and Connor wasn't sure about the waves. Here we are with Aunt Nancy and Uncle Glen.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

We took daddy to Animal Kingdom for his birthday and Aunt Connie and Uncle Doug joined us for the weekend. We got there Friday night in time for dinner at Boma, the African themed buffet. We ate all kinds of fun new stuff. The next day we were off to Animal Kingdom and Connor didn't want to nap so he slept in some of the strangest places. Here he is on the bus on the way to the park:
Here he is napping thru the park for 1 1/2 hrs and here I am after helping Aunt Connie with her chocolate ice cream.

On Sunday we went on our first boat ride from the resort to Downtown Disney. We ate at Rainforest Cafe and there were too many things to look at. You can see the rest of the pictures here .