Monday, February 23, 2009

Dressed up for Church

Here we are after church. Mommy found this cute vest for me in some hand me down clothes but dad says that it is called a weskit. Grandpa Lorenzen would be so proud. When he was alive he wore weskit's all of the time. Ellie had a cute hat with her outfit but she didn't want to wear it.
Today was the first time that Ellie went to the nursery during church. She had lots of fun playing with her friend Cole who is a couple months older than us.
The ladies after church noticed that Ellie has two new teeth. They are the lateral incisors (the top two teeth beside the missing front two teeth). Mommy noticed that she had been playing with her finger in her mouth around that area but was watching for the front two teeth. They are the ones that usually come in next; nothing usual about this household.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

We went to the Aquarium

We woke up early today so mom and dad decided to take us to the aquarium. We looked at all of the fish and played outside on the animals. We had a great day today. We still only have 2 teeth each but we are over our stomach virus. Cruising the furniture is our main source of joy these days.
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Monday, February 9, 2009

10 Months Old

We are into so many things these days. These pictures were taken after church when we were all dressed up. As you can see I can stand and so can Connor. We pull ourselves up on just about anything, even somethings that fall over. I climbed up on the ottoman to see dad Saturday morning but could not figure out how to get back down. Mom really has to watch us now.

Besides learning all kinds of new stuff like clapping our hands and waving, we seem to be sick a lot. The last cold left us wheezing and the dr prescribed breathing treatments with a nebulizer. This is not much fun but we feel better afterwards. We are still working on the top two teeth and the teething pains pick up in between colds.

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