Friday, October 31, 2008

Our first Halloween

We had a big Halloween playdate party today and we both woke up with colds. Well, we really didn't sleep last night. Mommy decided to let us go and just not play with any of the other kids because we were having our pictures professionally taken at the party. We can't wait to see what those pictures turned out like.

Ellie has decided that she might start smiling for the camera. We don't really have costumes this year but I have a ghost outfit and Ellie has a mummy like outfit.

We came home from the party and slept the rest of the afternoon. When dad got home from work we walked around the neighborhood and saw some of of our other twin friends.

For some more halloween pictures, click here.
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Monday, October 27, 2008

30 Weeks

Look mom, I can sit up all by myself. I can play with my toys and see things from a new perspective. When I get tired I am not too sure what to do so mostly I just fall over and play with new things. Ellie can't sit up by herself yet. She bounces around too much and doesn't sit still so she just falls over. Mom and dad got us this cool play mat but we like to roll off and see how long it takes them to come move us again.
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Friday, October 17, 2008

No more swaddles

We have been in our swaddles since birth. Around 2 1/2 months we were only in our swaddles for nite - nite time. For the last couple of months we have been breaking out of our swaddles in the middle of the night. Some nights Ellie gets all tangled up and cries for mom to come get it off of her. I, myself, learned to flip over to my side in my swaddle. I think mom finally decided that she was tired of getting up every night between 2 and 4 am so no more swaddles.

We now have sleep sacks. Here were are in our sleep sacks.

We can now roll all over our cribs in our sleep sacks. I have been having fun in my sleep sack and wake up tired each morning. I am really quiet so mom doesn't know that I am playing all night. Ellie likes to sleep so she is a good girl.

29 weeks

Here we are 29 weeks old sitting in our bumbo chairs. We can almost sit up on our own but still need someone there to keep us from falling too hard and bumping our heads. We are rolling all over. We like to roll to each other and "share" our toys but Connor likes to play with my hair and he pulls hard. Mom is trying to teach him gentle.

Connor scootches on his tummy and I scootch on my back. Mom says that it is amazing how fast we can get from one side of our play mat to the other. We also "feel" things with our feet. That means that we must kick whomever is closest to let them know we are there. Oh the joys.

We are teething like crazy but mom hasn't seen narry a tooth. In this picture we both are chewing on our razzberries, which is some teething thing that feels great and looks like a raspberry pacifier. We will also chew on anything and everything that comes close to our hands. Stay tuned for teeth.

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Monday, October 6, 2008

Trip to Yellowstone

We flew across the country to Bozeman, Montana for 10 days of vacation near Yellowstone County. It was a long flight and Connor didn't want to sleep but we made it. The next day we drove down to the timeshare in Island Park, Idaho which is near famous flyfishing waters and dad got to fish. Grandma and her sisters joined us for the week. Here we are at Yellowstone in front of an errupting Old Faithful.
To see more pictures of our trip click here.
There are not too many pictures because Mom and Dad were always holding us and never had a camera handy. They even took the video camera and never even got it out. Go figure. Hopefully Grandma and Aunt Louise will send us a few more pictures when they get home.