Monday, April 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

We took daddy to Animal Kingdom for his birthday and Aunt Connie and Uncle Doug joined us for the weekend. We got there Friday night in time for dinner at Boma, the African themed buffet. We ate all kinds of fun new stuff. The next day we were off to Animal Kingdom and Connor didn't want to nap so he slept in some of the strangest places. Here he is on the bus on the way to the park:
Here he is napping thru the park for 1 1/2 hrs and here I am after helping Aunt Connie with her chocolate ice cream.

On Sunday we went on our first boat ride from the resort to Downtown Disney. We ate at Rainforest Cafe and there were too many things to look at. You can see the rest of the pictures here .

Monday, April 20, 2009

Easter Pictures with the Bunny

We went to have our formal Easter pictures taken with the real, live bunny. Connor wasn't so sure about that bunny but I thought he was fun. He felt just like my touch and feel books. This is Connor not so sure about that bunny.

We have been cruising all over the place. We each took 2 steps without holding on so walking is right around the corner.
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Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter

Here were are looking for Easter eggs at the church hunt. It was a busy weekend. We went with Aunt Nancy and Uncle Glen to their church egg hunt on Saturday and there was a picnic afterwards. It was a fun time. Sunday started with our Easter goodies.
Then we were off to church for breakfast and the hunt. This is Connor standing on his own looking for an egg. We aren't walking yet but we will be soon.

There was no nap for us but we were happy babies. Connor is FINALLY getting one of his top teeth and I am working on tooth number six.

Here is a picture of Connor hanging with his friend Kerry looking cool in those shades.
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