Our favorite photographers took the pictures for our Christmas card. On the original day, Connor who is normally all smiles for pictures screamed the whole time. There were no pictures with both of us together. My left the shoot just crying. The deadline for getting pictures done in time for Christmas cards was right around the corner.
I, Ellie, who doesn't really like the camera thought I would cooperate since Connor wasn't.
So the photographers re-schedule the shoot for another day and we try again. Connor has decided recently that all sticks should be a fishing pole. Of course this makes daddy very happy. The week of the second shoot, Connor has also decided that "bankies" should go EVERYWHERE. So we go to the second shoot and there is no getting that blanket away from Connor and the stick is his fishing pole. In the end mom decided that it was a great picture, just not what she had envisioned for the Christmas card.