We are 5 months old today. Here we are looking at each other from a whole new perspective. We both want to be sitting up more and looking at the world. Connor figured out rolling from tummy to back overnight and still surprises himself. Ellie has been rolling to her side for quite sometime but hasn't quite figured out the rest of the way; though she tries hard. Ellie finds her hands most interesting and just sits and stares at them as if they are the most magical thing in the world. It is quite precious to watch.
Hi Natalie and Bill! What a great site! I love it! Connor and Ellie are getting so big and very cute - it's hard to believe they can actually get any cuter! I'll keep checking in to see any new photos. Have fun! Lots of love - Pam.
Hey, does my niece have earrings in her ears?
Goodness, they are getting bigger by the minute. Wish I were there to see it happen.
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