Thursday, November 27, 2008


It was our first Thanksgiving and Grandma came to visit. Mom cooked all day and we tried to stay out of the way and even napped like we were supposed to. Here is a picture of all of us at the table. We got some turkey, potatoes and cranberry served in a glass dish. This was the first time that we sat at the table with our trays and everything.

Here is Ellie with her baby spoon that Grandma made. This is the first time that we have been given spoons and Ellie knew just what to do; well almost. Mom let us play with our food and everything. There is a close up picture of our silver spoons from Grandma; aren't they pretty?

I, Connor, was still not feeling so well due to the antibiotics for this ear infection. It has been a month since we first got sick. I can't wait to be over this. Mommy says that she is enjoying the cuddle times that I give her when I don't feel so good. Maybe I will humor her some when I feel better.

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