Friday, July 3, 2009

Trip to Daytona Beach to see the Cousins

Here we are with daddy at Daytona Beach. We still don't really like the sand on our feet but we love the pool. Well I do but Connor is not too sure. Connor had much more fun touring the pool area and seeing how many people would look at him.

We got to spend the weekend with our cousins from California and that was fun. Mom and her cousin Lisa didn't meet until they were 13 so they are trying to make sure that we get together more often.

Here I am with Alexa, who is 2.

Here is a picture of all of the cousins together. Daddy was making the funniest faces at us to make us laugh.
There are a few more pictures of the family here .
We had a great time and can't wait to go to California next.

New things this week, Ellie says Duck and Ball and Connor likes experimenting with toys = putting the ball in something and taking it out. He is also the little kitchen helper while Ellie is the climbing girl.
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Dynamic Duo said...

love the beach shot. we have to get together soon!!! so glad to see you updated the blog a few times:)

Anonymous said...

So "glad" I was in the picture, too. I have a pic of u taking that one with Bill & Lisa waving their arms in the air.

Auntie L.