Friday, January 8, 2010

January 2010

The new year brings many new things for us. We are learning to talk and express our feelings. Sometimes those feelings come in temper tantrums and lots of nos and other times we are just plain happy. Here we are with dad at the zoo checking out the birds.
Mom decided that we have grown up enough so that we can move to booster chairs for dinner. Now if we would just stop throwing our food on the floor and actually eat some of it she would probably be happy. Of course, it is now our job to test mom so making her happy is not on the adgenda for the next year. Dad tells mom that not eating what mom cooks us is our way of exerting our independence and independence is what it is all about these days.
Here we are when we climbed up on the bar stools and mom let us color with crayons for a bit.

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